EVC7 Unigolyn (Saesneg yn unig)

Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament

Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, yr Amgylchedd a Seilwaith | Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee

Gwefru cerbydau trydan | Electric vehicle charging

Ymateb gan Unigolyn| Evidence from Individual


1. Beth yw eich barn am y Cynllun Gweithredu?

It’s too limited. I work for a global provider of charging stations and your policy is weak, poorly thought though and won’t deliver the capacity needed to electrify car transport.

2. Beth yw eich barn am y cynnydd a wnaed yn erbyn Cam Gweithredu 1: Seilwaith gwefru?

Very poor provision so far. You should

Consider working with companies who know their stuff, yet all you do is strategise and don’t engage.

3. Beth yw eich barn am y cynnydd a wnaed yn erbyn Cam Gweithredu 2: Optimeiddio’r ddarpariaeth ynni?

Again very limited and the plan does not in any way seem

Sensible for the ele trifurcation needed to achieve the targets for CO2 reduction.

4. Beth yw eich barn am y cynnydd a wnaed yn erbyn Cam Gweithredu 3: Gwella’r ddarpariaeth gwefru chwim?

It’s a joke, no more words necessary

Beth yw eich barn am y cynnydd a wnaed yn erbyn Cam Gweithredu 4: Safonau ansawdd Cymru?

Very poor - typical of public sector provision. If you engaged with companies who provide infrastructure standard would Improve but the piecemeal nature of provision in Wales is laughable. I work in Germany and in comparison the Welsh quality standards are literally laughable.

Beth yw eich barn am y cynnydd a wnaed yn erbyn Cam Gweithredu 5: Hwyluso rheoleiddioll?

Is there any? If there is it’s certainly not filtered through to practical implementation

Beth yw eich barn am y cynnydd a wnaed yn erbyn Cam Gweithredu 6: Partneriaeth a chydweithio?

Rubbish - I work in the largest European provider of wall boxes and charging stations - yet no-one has engaged as far as I’m aware.

Beth yw eich barn am y cynnydd a wnaed yn erbyn Cam Gweithredu 7: Cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth gyhoeddus?

I mix are already aware, just waiting for Government to implement

Beth yw eich barn am y cynnydd a wnaed yn erbyn Cam Gweithredu 8: Annog cyfleoedd i fuddsoddi ac arloesi?

Has there been any at all? I doubt European companies wingding to invest as the plan for Wales is so weak. I’ve just been to a factory in Germany where wall boxes and charging stations are produced and can honestly say this would never happen in the UK, the investment mis simply too large for such a wishy washy plan.

Beth yw eich barn am y cynnydd a wnaed yn erbyn Cam Gweithredu 9: Creu synergedd?

There is very little joined up thinking, it seems the plan was created by public sector committee, it lacks the bite and the vision.

Beth yw eich barn am y Strategaeth?

See above - it’s weak and badly thought through - would never pass an audit in a business environment and whilst I applaud the effort, the attainment is quite another thing.

Oes gennych chi unrhyw sylwadau eraill yr hoffech eu gwneud o fewn cwmpas yr ymchwiliad hwn?

Yes. As an electric car driver there is a whole he’s of thinking to be done about rural infrastructure.